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[Other resourceP2P

Description: VC++ P2P实例 边学边练
Platform: | Size: 25374 | Author: lins | Hits:

[P2PP2P 源代码

Description: 源代码编译及安装说明 源代码编译及安装说明编译说明: . 编译环境安装 Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 . 下载WTL(版本:7.5), 网站 http://sourceforge.net/projects/wtl/, 解压并将 wtl/include 加入VS.Net include 工程 参考方法: 打开 Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 点击菜单 工具->选项->Projects->VC++目录->包含文件 ... . 安装说明: 客户端打包: 客户端打包用 NSIS, 先安装 NSIS程序,下载地址:http://opensource.kan8888.com/tools/nsis208chs2005.exe, 打包脚本见 bin/P2PClient.sis 发布端打包: 打包脚本见 bin/P2PPublisher.nsi 发布端数据库表导入 doc/P2PPublish.sql 脚本 服务端安装: . Windows: 安装 SqlServer 2000, 创建库并运行 doc/P2POrderServer.sql, 然后导入 data.mdb 数据 . Linux: 安装 Mysql 并导入相关数据 配置相关: . 客户端: P2PNetwork.ini and P2PIEClient.ini, 发布端: P2POrderClient.ini, 服务端: P2POrderServer.ini 具体详细配置方法见各文件备注 运行: . 首先运行 P2POrderServer.exe, . 再运行 P2POrderClient.exe 进行发布 . 再启动服务程序 P2PServer.exe, 此程序为服务程序,先运行 Install.bat 进行安装,然后运行 Start.bat启动 也可以用打包后的程序进行安装,安装后自动启动.
Platform: | Size: 4087775 | Author: ff2009 | Hits:

[TCP/IP stackSock聊天

Description: P2P VC Scok 聊天程序-peer-to-peer chat program
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: ssss | Hits:


Description: vc写的穿透NAT例子。很不错 又说明文件-vc write NAT example of penetration. Also very good note
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: 赵涤 | Hits:


Description: vc做的一个p2p工具-a p2p tool by vc
Platform: | Size: 199680 | Author: king | Hits:


Description: 经常有对P2P原理的讨论,但是讨论归讨论,很少有实质的东西产生(源代码)。在这里我就用自己实现的一个VC源代码来说明UDP穿越NAT的原理。-often principle of peer-to-peer discussions, but the discussions under discussion, with little substantive things have (source code). Here, I used one of its own to achieve VC source code to illustrate the UDP Through NAT principle.
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: 何智峰 | Hits:

[Windows Developheroz_del49903244

Description: 一款用vc写的局域网聊天软件程序采用网上介绍的方法实现最基本的P2P方式通讯.模拟实现即时消息互发.界面也很清新-This chat program ,working in lan, written in vc carries out instant message communication through the basic P2P style, a clear and novel appearance is provided as well.
Platform: | Size: 585728 | Author: Finn | Hits:


Description: 这是关于UDP穿透NAT的P2P源代码,运行环境是VC++6.0-on UDP penetrate NAT P2P source code, the environment of VC 6.0
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: lxr | Hits:

[Internet-NetworkP2P之UDP穿透NAT的原理与实现源代码 .r

Description: P2P之UDP穿透NAT的原理与实现源代码,有VC实现的网络编程-P2P UDP penetrate NAT Zhi Theory and implementation of the source code, the VC Network Programming
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: steven | Hits:


Description: 电驴emule的源代码,VC编写。 个人认为代码质量非常高,适合深入研究。 虽然不是自己的,但还是希望大家喜欢。-eDonkey EMule the source code, VC prepared. Individuals that code quality is very high, suitable for in-depth study. Even if they are not, but still hope that everyone likes.
Platform: | Size: 2742272 | Author: 天使 | Hits:


Description: 一个P2P下载软件源代码,用vc编译 -a peer-to-peer software to download the source code with compiler vc
Platform: | Size: 87040 | Author: 张成 | Hits:


Description: 用VC实现的点对点文件传输工具,可参照学习传输原理-with VC peer-to-peer file transfer tools, reference may be made to study transmission principle
Platform: | Size: 49152 | Author: CodeMan | Hits:


Description: 一个免费的p2p即时通讯开发平台控件,支持VB、VC,含有VB、VC的客户端、服务端的示例程序-a free peer-to-peer instant messaging platform controls, support VB, VC, containing VB, VC client services side of the sample program
Platform: | Size: 1539072 | Author: 李某 | Hits:

[Multimedia Developp2pvoip0.9

Description: 采用h232技术的网络语音电话,用VC写的,写的很好.-use of voice telephone network, with VC write, write well.
Platform: | Size: 3903488 | Author: | Hits:

[VOIP programSolePhone

Description: 一宽用RTC和VC++.NET2003开发的网络电话,简单好用,是公司的商业代码-with a wide RTC and VC.NET2003 development of the telephone network, the simple ease of use is the company's commercial code
Platform: | Size: 5882880 | Author: madengwei | Hits:


Description: p2p技术,用于即时聊天软件开发的参考,使用vc++6.0开发-p2p technology, software development for real-time chat reference, the use of vc++ 6.0 Development
Platform: | Size: 1406976 | Author: pauli | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4P2P

Description: 一个基于VC的P2P文件传输代码,该代码分客户端和服务器端两块-VC of P2P-based file transfer code, the code at client and server 2
Platform: | Size: 274432 | Author: ywei | Hits:

[File Operatep2p

Description: vc++实现文件p2p传输。。。很适合新手学习使用-vc++ file p2p transfer. . . Very suitable for novices learning to use
Platform: | Size: 1677312 | Author: wqwei | Hits:

[Windows Developp2pvc

Description: VC++p2p下载软件源代码p2pc 大家参考下-p2p vc downloads file tool s
Platform: | Size: 579584 | Author: endy Huang | Hits:


Description: VC++p2p下载软件源代码。这个程序涉及到dc++。是开源的基于p2p技术的上传及下载软件源程序。此软件当初也是风光无限,只可惜现在过时了。不过它的源程序还是对你有用的。-VC++ p2p download software source code. This procedure involves the dc++. Is the open-source technology, based on p2p upload and download software source. This software it was the fame, but unfortunately now out of date. However, its source code is useful to you.
Platform: | Size: 585728 | Author: 172 | Hits:
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